American bobtail cat full info Grooming, Health, History and many more - Cat breeds


Monday, July 1, 2019

American bobtail cat full info Grooming, Health, History and many more

American Bobtail Cat

 American Bobtail Cat has many features similar to dog pets. A well-socialized bobtail is very friendly towards guests and other pets. This cat loves to steal shiny objects. It is also important to keep this cat indoor so that it remains safe from vehicles, diseases from other cats and from other animals. This cat has a small tail and shaggy medium length to long coat.


Bobtail Cat
Kitten Breeds
Bobtail is a type of kitten which resembles too much to its opponent dog. A bobtail is very intelligent as well as a friendly breed. This kitty has all the qualities required for a household cat. They love children and other pets even they like dogs. They can play with them for hours. This breed can settle easily in a noisy as well as in a quiet house. Many long-distance truck drivers used to drive with them. Some psychotherapists use these breeds in their treatment programs because of this kittens sensitivity to human beings.
They can play with kids for lots of hours. To keep this kitten busy you can prove them many puzzle toys and by teaching them many tricks.
You should meet even one of these cats parents if possible its best to meet both of her parents to ensure their nice temperaments. It is important to choose a kitten from a breeder who has experience of cats for many years.


In 1960, when a short-tailed tabby and a bobcat was bred then as a result new breed was born.  This new breed was taken in a new direction to produce cats and hence American bobtail was originated. This new breed was full of friendlier, domestic and temperament behaviors.


Bobtail Breed
Bobtails can live for 15 years if proper care is provided. Like other breeds, this breed can also develop hereditary problems. This cat can develop hip dysplasia. This is a hereditary disease that can cause crippling, lameness, and arthritis of the hip joints. Some kittens cannot bear a tail and this type of kittens is known as rumpies. Rumpies are not fit for breeding because of health issues as a result of a shortened spine.
If you are buying this kitten then you should verify if her health is good. You should take a handwritten guarantee before buying a cat or kitten.
This world's largest registry of pedigreed cats named Cat Fanciers' Association accepted American bobtails for registration in 2000.


Brush your kitty at least twice a week to keep her coat shiny and beautiful. It is compulsory to remove dead hair from her coat after an interval. A rubber curry brush or a slicker brush is a good choice for this purpose. The other grooming work required is weekly nail trimming and ear cleaning.

To read a full article about the Abyssinian cat - click here

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